Monday, 21 May 2007

Do, Re, Me, Me, Me, Me

Again, I've stolen an idea from Doppelganger.

Eight Things You Didn't Know About Me

1) I bruise incredibly easily, sometimes I can just lean on something and come away with a bruise.

2) My ability to consume pizza has shocked and disgusted people on both sides of the Atlantic.

3) I don't really look like anyone in my family. Actually until I was 25 I kept expecting my parents to sit me down and tell me I wasn't theirs.

4) I hate my accent and my voice.

5) I've lived on six continents and while I plan to visit Antarctica I won't be there long enough to complete the set.

6) I have utterly no ability to deal with children. Anyone under 12 is a complete mystery to me and I can never find anything to say to them.

7) My brother used to be one of my best friends and now we have very little in common; it's sad.

8) Contrary to having this blog and answering this meme, I don't really like talking about myself that much. Unless I'm drunk and then I never shut up.

So there you go, I'm sure you're fascinated.


Anonymous said...

I'm fascinated, and I've only lived on two continents. And I'm sure your accent is lovely--try hailing from Midwestern USA, lang of the nasal 'a's.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that last should have been "land"--again, pronounced "leeeeand." Ugh.

Unknown said...

It is awesome that you've lived on six continents. Everyone hates their voice, btw.