Wednesday, 14 February 2007

And So It Begins

I thought I’d jump on the back of Doppelganger’s Book list idea from 50 Books.

So without further ado my list of Books a Man Has Given Me That Made Me Swear NEVER to Go on Another Date with Him EVER Again.

  • Any of the Da Vinci Code type best sellers – This is not literature, I’m glad that you’re reading but don’t tell me this is the best book evah.
  • Catcher in the Rye – If you are anything like Holden Caulfield I will kick your whiny, entitled arse.
  • On the Road – If Kerouac is your hero I’m worried about your ability to pay for dinner.
  • Any religious propaganda – I enjoy a well written discourse on any subject but don’t try and convince me the fossil record is made up. Just don’t.
  • Chicken Soup books – You obviously know nothing about me. Please leave.

Wow, apparently my snobbery isn’t as wide spread as I thought. Or maybe it’s just been so long since I’ve been on a date.

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